Anchorage Symphony's "Opening Night"

Anchorage Symphony's

Opening Night

Featuring Maxim Lando, Piano

Carlos Simon |  Fate Now Conquers
Sergei Rachmaninoff  | Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Pyotr Tchaikovsky | Symphony No. 5

A dynamic exploration of destiny and triumph, a lively tapestry of variations on a renowned theme, and an emotionally charged symphony with a powerful, triumphant finale.

  • Using rich melodies and rhythmic intensity, Carlos Simon's Fate Now Conquers is a dynamic orchestral work that explores themes of destiny and triumph.

  • Rachmaninoff's lively piano concerto-like work weaves together twenty-four variations on Paganini's famous theme, showcasing the virtuosity of both composers and one of classical music's most recognized themes!

  • Tchaikovsky's stirring Symphony No. 5 journeys through emotional highs and lows, culminating in a triumphant and powerful finale.