Anchorage Symphony's "Echoes of Earth"

Anchorage Symphony's

Echoes of Earth 

Randall Craig Fleischer | Athabaskan Prayer Song from Echoes
John Luther Adams | An Atlas of Deep Time
Ludwig von Beethoven | Symphony No. 6

A heartfelt tribute rich with indigenous melodies, a sonic odyssey evoking the vastness of geological time, and a celebration of nature's beauty and joy.

  • The piece ASO Music Director in Memoriam called "One of the highlights of my tenure (and life)," Fleischer’s Echoes features Alaska Native and Native American indigenous music, including an Athabaskan Prayer Song.

  • John Luther Adams paints a mesmerizing sonic landscape of the vast expanse of geological time, evoking a sense of awe and wonder through its gradual shifts and resonant textures.

  • Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony" evokes nature's beauty and tranquility and the joyfulness and energy it summons within us.